Tuesday 11 May 2021

4 Moves To Maximize Your Fitness Equipment Bench Workout


Got a fitness equipment bench? A weight bench is one simple-looking device that can give maximum results out of your training hours if used effectively. A fitness equipment bench is probably one of the most underrated pieces of exercise gear. Often when we hear the word “weight bench,” all we can think about is chest press, bicep curls, tricep extensions, and back rows. But, there is so much more you can do apart from just doing these. 

Bench hops 

This move works the entire body. It targets the hamstrings, quadriceps, abs, glutes, and hip flexors. It works on the whole strengthening of the body with a cardio pop, thus, improving stamina, agility, and endurance.  If you have been eyeing to flaunt a lean body, this move can help you achieve it. 

Bulgarian split squat with shoulder press

Bulgarian split squat is another excellent exercise done on a fitness equipment bench. It helps tone the entire lower body, including quads, glutes, calves, and hamstrings. Combine it with the good ‘ol traditional shoulder press, and you have got a mega full body combo. If you have dumbbells lying around, you can use them (even water bottles- 1 or 2L bottles filled, would work for starting weight). 

Jumping lunges on bench

It is similar to box jump. It’s just that you keep changing your legs at fast intervals in a lunge position. Ensure you keep upping the pace to push yourself and time your jump for maximum output. 

Bench jump

Bench jumps are another explosive jump variation used in CrossFit. However, unlike bench hops or jumping lunges, this one requires to use both of your legs freehand. In Crossfit, this move is popularly made over boxes. A fitness equipment bench is just as sturdy as a box; hence, making it ideal for movement. Start with climbing on your bench one foot at a time and switch to jumping lunges to build confidence. Once you are sure, jump on the bench for a solid and safe landing. For reference, you can look at this video here

So, incorporate these moves into your daily exercise routine to add some pump to your training.  

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